Starter Notebook


You, Scientist

Getting Started

You’ve used Quarto Notebooks a few times already, so you’re starting to get the hang of this. Start by editing the Notebook title: and make sure you credit yourself as the author:. As a reminder, R-code appears in grey chunks throughout your notebook. Anything within these grey blocks must be executable R code. When you are outside of an R chunk, in a section of the notebook with a white background, you can type freely as if you were in a typical Word document.

You’ll quickly see the value of including text to explain your code chunks, and motivate your analysis. Trying to get help from a notebook that doesn’t effectively use these discussions will be quite difficult. Additionally, future you will be very thankful to present-day you if you document your analyses well, and will be quick to curse present-day you when you do not.

Now, remove this Getting Started text and you’ll be ready to start sciencing.